Michael Dempsey joined RMIT University as Professor and Head of the Finance Discipline in early 2013. Prior to this, he was an Associate Professor at Monash University, Australia, before which he was an Associate Professor with Griffith University, Australia, having previously been at Leeds University, UK. He also has many years’ experience working for the petroleum exploration industry, in the Middle East, Egypt, Aberdeen and London. He is an active researcher in seeking to understand the interplay between risk and returns as the essential dynamic of market behaviour; the theoretical implications of taxation for stock valuation; and corporate decision-making as socially constructed. His recently published Stock Markets, Investments and Corporate Bahavior (published by Imperial College Press/World Scientific, 2016) summarizes his work in these areas. He has published articles that have appeared in leading international journals, including Financial Analysts Journal (2), Journal of Banking and Finance (2), Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (3), European Financial Management (1), Critical Perspectives on Accounting (3), Abacus (3), Journal of Investment Management (2), Accounting and Business Research (3), Australian Journal of Management (2), Journal of Asset Management (1), and Accounting and Finance (1). His teaching expertise includes corporate and investment finance, international finance, derivatives and financial engineering. His textbook Stock Markets and Corporate Finance is due to be published by Scientific Press (2017).